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- Plate Rolling Machine Use and Maintenance
Plate Rolling Machine Use and Maintenance
Use and Maintenance of Plate Rolling Machine

The long service life of plate rolling machine is inseparable from proper use and maintenance. The following outlines how to properly use and maintain a plate bending machine.

1. After switching on the power supply, start the lifting of upper roll as well as the positive and negative movement of lower rolls. Check if those movements are smooth.
2. Conduct proper lubrication regularly as required.
3. Operate the roll bending machine in strict accordance with the operation manual. Pay great attention to the running of machine when the upper roll rises or falls to the limit position. It is allowed to perform the lifting of upper roll and the reset of inverted bearing only after the main drive is stopped. If irregular noise, shock or other anomaly is found during operation, please shut down the plate rolling machine immediately to check.
4. During operation, relevant personnel should coordinate with each other and obey the command of the person in charge. It is prohibited to start the machine without a command.
5. Operators should pay great attention to safety, preventing hands being pressed by the steel plate and rolled into the plate bending machine with the steel plate.
6. After plate rolling is finished, clean the site, turn off the power, and maintain the machine.

If operators live up to the above points, no accidents will occur during plate rolling.

As a specialized hydraulic equipment manufacturer, Aocheng offers plate rolling machines of high quality and competitive price. We also provide first-class after-sales services. Welcome to contact us for more details.

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- 主 5000T四柱式壓力機
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- 擴管機
- 1000T龍門式壓力機
- 1620mm 鏈條式彎管機
- 820mm 液壓中頻彎管機
郵編 : 061000
傳真: 0086-317-6218625
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